Monday, July 29, 2013

#48: Have a stranger take my picture

Went to a One Direction concert and had two different people take my picture.

#24: Run a Mile (no walking any of it)

I just got done at the gym and accomplished one of my fitness goals! I ran an entire mile without walking any of it, and got a time of 12:42! That’s probably the best mile time i’ve gotten since i had gym back in high school. I think the 10 minute mile will come sooner than i thought! I even had the energy to run another mile and finished the two miles in 27:45. Out of 16 laps, (8 laps = 1 mile), i only walked 3 laps total. I could have even ran a third mile, but i chose to stop at two because i could start to feel the pains in my stomach and i didn’t want to over-do it. I’d say that’s pretty damn amazing for me. and i don’t even really look like i broke a sweat! I’m so proud of myself, and i can’t wait to continue this journey. I think i’ve become addicted to running, because i almost want to go back and keep going :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

#45: Buy My Mom Flowers

Bought these for my mother for valentine's day! She didn't want a bouquet, she wanted ones she could plant in the yard.

#35: Get two new piercings

(I got my monroe piercing in August 2012)
(I got my nose pierced in July 2013)

#33: Get Five Tattoos

First tattoo - Cross under my arm July 9, 2012 (took about 15 min)

Second tattoo - Mandala August 2012 (took 6.5 hours)

Third & Fourth tattoos - February 2013(took about 4.5 hours combined)

#8: Go to the zoo or animal farm

(These were all taken at the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, WA)

#3: Attend A Concert With Good Seats

I saw Hoodie Allen, Jared Evan, and Aer in Seattle on March 20, 2013. It was an amazing night, and although it was general admission, my friend and i ended up getting a great spot on the side of the stage. Couldn't have asked for a better seat. No one was pushing or shoving us and we got to sit back and enjoy the music all night. I only got pictures of Hoodie and Jared (and only took one with Jared), but i was happy with that. Needless to say, I'm definitely crushing on Jared hardcore. He's such a cutie. (Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera so these were from my phone which is why they are blurry).

Hoodie Allen
Jared Evan

(Left) Me with Jared Evan
(Right) Before the show, the outfit i wore

Friday, February 8, 2013

#50: Tell A Joke That Someone Actually Laughs At

Me: "What happens to someone when they get run over by a car?"
Samm: "What?"
Me: "They get tired."
Samm: *laughs* "That's really cute!"